SLAPPs and lawyers: what every lawyer needs to know
This webinar, organised by the European Lawyers Foundation (ELF) in conjunction with the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) was held on 25 October 2023. It attracted over 500 participants.
After a welcome from the Chair of ELF’s Board of Directors, there was a presentation from the European Commission on the draft anti-SLAPP directive. This was followed by a SLAPP expert from civil society giving an overview of SLAPP cases in the EU. Elisabeth Scheuba, chair of the CCBE’s Access to Justice Committee, spoke about the CCBE’s position on SLAPPs, and there was a final session on the CCBE’s Recommendation on SLAPPs and its impact on lawyers’ ethics.
There were lively question and answer sessions throughout the webinar.
Powerpoint presentations are ready here.
The recording of the event can be watched here.